• The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    Even though we know of the damaging effects of the drugs, some of us still use these drugs. When using these drugs, there are moments when the authority will find you as you are using illegal drugs. For sure, those caught in possession of drugs may face different charges. When you are found with...
    Crime related lawsuits are among the common cases that you will come across in the court of law and which needs attention to handle them. It is vital that you look for professional help when faced with crime related cases as this will increase your chances if handing it. This means that you...
    At the moment, people incarcerated due to drug-related offences account for roughly 45% of the total inmate population in the United States. Evidently, the drug war has intensified since the 1970s, when this figure was only 16.3%. Compared to other developed nations, the United States has seven...